ICPR 2024 Call for Doctoral Consortium

The ICPR 2024 conference is delighted to announce the inaugural edition of its Doctoral Consortium, an exclusive event for PhD students who are currently enrolled at the time of the conference or who have just defended their thesis within the past year. Attending the Doctoral Consortium at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) offers numerous benefits for PhD students:

  • Feedback from experts: Students attending the event will have the opportunity to present their research to experienced researchers and receive valuable feedback. This can help them refine ideas and improve the quality of their research.
  • Networking: The consortium provides a platform for networking with other PhD students as well as established researchers in their field. Building connections can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, and mentorship.
  • Exposure to cutting-edge research: ICPR is a prestigious conference in the field of pattern recognition. By attending the Doctoral Consortium, they will gain insights into the latest developments and trends in the field.
  • Career development: Participating in the consortium demonstrates the commitment of PhD students to their research and professional development. It can also enhance their CV and academic profile, potentially leading to future academic or industry opportunities.
  • Personal growth: Presenting research and engaging in discussions with peers and experts can boost confidence and presentation skills. It's also an opportunity to defend research propositions.
Overall, attending the Doctoral Consortium at ICPR can be a valuable investment in your academic and professional growth, providing feedback, networking opportunities, and exposure to cutting-edge research in pattern recognition.

About the ICPR 2024 Doctoral Consortium
The 2024 Doctoral Consortium marks a significant milestone as it will be the first of its kind at an ICPR. The goal is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present their research ideas, share their current progress and future plans, and receive constructive criticism and insights. This consortium welcomes submissions from all thematic tracks of ICPR. PhD students who have submitted regular papers to ICPR (even if not accepted) are encouraged to participate and present their work.

Participation in the ICPR 2024 Doctoral Consortium will be limited to 25 students. It aims to facilitate communication on early-stage research topics, foster collaboration for concluding theses, and allow students to benefit from the experience of senior visitors who can provide valuable suggestions and guidance during the sessions.

The Doctoral Consortium will take place on December 1st during the workshop period. For this event, only live, in-person presentations will be accepted.

Students must be conducting research in one of the domains of ICPR and be within 6 months of graduating with their doctoral degree, taking into account the conference dates.

Submission Procedure
Students interested in participating should submit an application in a single PDF file (file 1: 4-5 pages max), also accompanied by a supporting letter from their advisor confirming the actual / estimated date of graduation (file 2: short letter in a second PDF file). The submission should be prepared using the instructions and style files for Springer computer science proceedings. The LaTeX template for LNCS can be downloaded [here](https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines) and is also available on Overleaf. Both files (1 and 2) have to be submitted into a single zip file.

Students who have also an accepted paper to ICPR 2024 or to any satellite workshops can upload their ICPR accepted paper as a supplementary file (file 3).

The PDF file (file 1 with 4 or 5 pages limit) should contain the following information:
  • At header: student's name, University, Title of your PhD, Supervisor of the PhD, Starting and expected finalization date of the PhD
  • As content, the document will address the following elements: main topic with the problem statement, a brief state-of-art (including references), methodology and contributions (steps made so far including a list of publications), and the actions planned before finishing the PhD, especially novel research ideas to be pursued. For post-PhD, we also ask for a career plan.
Review process
As acceptance criteria, the DC committee will consider the following elements: PhD must be in the topics of the conference, students with ongoing PhD are prioritized, ideas must be clearly stated, and a recommendation letter must accompany the submission.

Submissions should be done on or before 15 October 2024 in Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcicpr2024)

Important Dates
  • 15 October 2024 – Submission deadline
  • 22 October 2024 – Acceptance notification
  • 1 December 2024 – Doctoral Consortium
We are looking forward to your participation!

Queries should be sent to Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Véronique Eglin (veronique.eglinATinsa-lyon.fr), Dan Lopresti (loprestiATcse.lehigh.edu), Mayank Vatsa (mvatsaATiitj.ac.in)