Camera Ready Instructions
Instructions for Uploading the Camera-Ready Version of ICPR 2024 Paper

  1. Please note that the Microsoft CMT system, which was used for the reviewing process, will NOT be used for the Camera-Ready submission. The Camera-Ready version of an accepted paper should be submitted through a Springer tool instead.
  2. The Camera-Ready portal (Springer tool) opens on: August 19, 2024, and will remain active till: August 31, 2024.
  3. Please stick to Springer LNCS paper format and length (up to 16 pages inclusive of references, free of charge; with a maximum of additional 2 extra pages allowed, for which mandatory page charges would be levied) as mentioned in: ICPR-2024 Call for Papers.
  4. Please make familiarize yourself with Springer Nature Code of Conduct.
  5. Only the Corresponding Author for each accepted paper will receive an invitation link with a unique ID from the Springer's tool by August 19, 2024. We very strongly encourage that the Corresponding Author for each paper to remain unchanged from its original submission. In an extremely unavoidable circumstance, where, such a change is absolutely necessary, please notify us immediately at: with a cc to
  6. Author Names: These should be written out in full in the header of the paper. They are shortened by Springer Production to "initials surname" in the running heads and take the form "surname, given name" in the author index. If you or any of your co-authors have more than one family name, it should be made clear how your name is to be displayed in the running heads and the author index. All authors should write their given names in front of their surnames at the tops of their papers. If you only have one (main) name, please make sure that this name is written out in full in the running heads, when you check your final PDF. Only the names of real authors who can be held responsible for the contents of the paper may be named as authors of your contribution. Names and affiliations cannot be changed once a paper has been accepted. Also, if you have more than one paper in the volume, please check that your name has been written consistently throughout. The authorship order can be changed if necessary, please update it in the LaTeX file and the compiled PDF you are uploading as your camera-ready version in the Springer Submission Tool.
  7. Paper Title: You can slightly change the title in your camera-ready submission, e.g. if recommended during reviewing. Significant, unnecessary, or misleading changes in paper titles may cause the paper to be removed from the volume publication.
  8. Each corresponding author will be asked to
    • Sign Springer's License-to-Publish form online on behalf of their coauthors, as a part of the upload process
    • Upload the camera-ready version of the paper as a PDF
    • Upload source file packages, which will include all source files (e.g., LaTeX or Word paper) and all figure sources, required for Springer's production editing process
    • Optionally upload supplementary files, if these files need to be made available later, from the SpringerLink page of the conference paper
  9. Please carefully prepare your files for upload to this Springer tool as per the following guidelines. You must upload two required files and may upload a third optional file with the following naming convention:
    • Camera-ready source ZIP file
    • XXXXX.pdf: Camera-ready PDF file generated by the source material contained in
    • XXXXX-supp.pdf or (optional): Supplementary file
    Where, XXXXX is the five-digit paper ID (zero-padded if necessary), e.g., the camera-ready PDF filename for a first round paper submission with ID 17 is 00017.pdf.

    For the accepted papers in the second round submission, please put a '2' in the 10-thousand's position in XXXXX as a part of the file naming convention, e.g., the camera-ready PDF filename for a second round paper with ID 17 is 20017.pdf.

    We need all the source files (LaTeX files, style files, special fonts, figures, bib-files, MS-word files etc.) for Springer's production editing process. For each paper, one ZIP file has to be prepared and submitted containing all the source material used to generate the camera-ready PDF file. The ZIP file has to contain the following:
    • All source text files, e.g., LaTeX2e files or MS-word files for the text
    • All figure files (e.g., PS/EPS, PDF, JPG, etc.) that are used in the camera-ready PDF.
    • Any further style files and fonts you may have used.
    • There should be only one set of source files in the ZIP. So, please delete all older versions of the papers.
    • You may use subdirectories.
    • Make sure to use relative paths for referencing files.
    • Make sure the source you submit compiles.
    • Upload the folder containing all the source files as a single ZIP file called
    Authors must submit a finished, camera-ready PDF that has been produced by the submitted source. This PDF will be used as a reference and must exactly match the output of the source compilation. Further, the Springer typesetters will use the author-created PDF file to check the proper representation of symbols, figures, etc. There is a strict size limit of 20 MB for the camera-ready PDF files in the conference proceedings. If your paper is larger than this, you are probably using very large images in your figures.

    If you wish to provide an optional supplementary material, the file name must be in the form XXXXX-supp.pdf or, and may not exceed 100 MB in size. This supplementary file must be either a PDF or a ZIP file. The ZIP file can contain movies, code, additional results, accompanying technical reports, etc. Authors should refer to the contents of the supplementary material appropriately in the paper. Springer Production will create a footnote to the paper later with the appropriate link to the material. If you intend a .pdf to be your supplementary file, then please submit a .pdf and not a .tex file.
  10. Before submitting the camera-ready version, YOU MUST finalize your paper according to the reviewer and meta-reviewer comments.
  11. Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper of the ICPR 2024 main conference MUST be registered by August 31, 2024 under a REGULAR registration rate (not a student registration rate ) as mentioned under registration fees of the ICPR 2024 website. If a paper is not registered under REGULAR registration rate by this timeline, the paper will not be included in the program and in the conference proceedings. Please note that one regular registration can cover up to two papers (these two papers may be 2 main conference papers, OR 1 main conference paper and 1 workshop paper, OR 2 workshop papers). Registration link of the ICPR 2024 website will be live on August 16, 2024.
  12. The authors have the option to pay for Gold Open Access for their papers, this involves a fee of 2290 Euros to be paid to Springer, and a special license agreement must be completed in the Springer submission tool. We ask authors not to select this option unless they understand it involves a payment, and they can quickly process this. The default option involves no fee.
  13. In case of any difficulty, please contact:, but you must mention your paper ID (including Round 1 or Round 2) and paper title in such email.